Friday, December 10, 2010

Congrats to Mayor Cornett!

The World Mayor Project named Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett the second best Mayor in the world Tuesday. The London-based group commended Mayor Cornett for his work in the passage of the latest MAPs initiative and the metro area’s economic successes.

“Described by one of his peers as a giant among American mayors, Mayor Cornett has turned the city, psychologically devastated by the terrorist bombing of April 1995, into one of the most vibrant and economically booming cities in the U.S.,” World Mayor Project said. “Thanks to good jobs and low living costs, Forbes magazine ranked Oklahoma City as America's most affordable of cities.”

The group also highlighted the Mayor’s ‘This City is Going on a Diet’ initiative and his overall service to the city. Mayor Cornett was runner up to Mexico City Mayor Marcelo Ebrard and was the top placing U.S. Mayor. The only other U.S. Mayor to finish in the top 10 was Newark’s Cory Booker.

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