Friday, November 19, 2010

National Press Takes Notice of OKC

Over the past decade, Oklahoma City has been no stranger to positive accolades and rankings. November is off to a great start as the metro has received much praise from the national press.

Forbes recently named Oklahoma City the nation’s most affordable city. Their ranking highlighted Oklahoma City’s value to businesses and citizens. That was followed up with data from the U.S. Department of Labor that showed Oklahoma City had the second-highest percentage growth of private sector jobs in the nation. This reinforced our city’s healthy economy was more than the presence of a large government sector.

Last week, Newsweek named Oklahoma City of the “Top Ten Places Poised for Recovery”. The story highlighted energy and aerospace sectors as well as the great opportunities for young adults.

It was also announced Oklahoma led the nation in GDP growth in 2008-09 according to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Oklahoma saw a 6.64 percent increase while overall 38 states showed a decline in GDP.

These rankings help reaffirm to the rest of the country what we already know: Oklahoma City is the best place to work, live and play. To get more info on these rankings and to check out out other accolades follow the link.

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