Monday, January 4, 2010

2009 a Great Year for the Newly Re-Launched News Bureau

After remaining inactive for several years, the News Bureau was successfully relaunched in 2009. And what a great year it was! The group has accomplished so much and continues to work toward the goal of positive media exposure for Oklahoma City, both. Here are some of the great things the group accomplished in 2009:

-Grew membership by 52%
-Held three meetings: The American Indian Cultural Center and Museum, the Oklahoma City Museum of Art, and the Academy of Contemporary Music.
-Placed multiple stories about Oklahoma City in the local and national media using the Weekly Story Leads.
-Made invaluable connections with fellow PR and Communications colleagues.

In 2010 there will be more great meetings, more opportunities to collaborate, and more chances to show the world what our great city has to offer. Here's to a wonderful 2010! Stay tuned!

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