Monday, December 7, 2009

Why Vote YES for MAPS?

We are in a unique position as a city -- and one in which many others would be thrilled to be. Around the country, other cities are putting their plans on hold and lowering their expectations. But in Oklahoma City we have weathered the recession well and are in the top 20 for economic performance. We have a booming downtown core and our tourism economy is thriving. Our citizens are proud to call Oklahoma City home. Momentum from the previous MAPS initiatives has launched us into a renaissance.
This momentum is not easily earned, or something that we can get back. The new MAPS proposal is our chance to keep moving OKC forward. It will bring in new jobs, private investment throughout the city and improve our quality of life. We have a choice to make: halt the progress we have made, or continue moving forward with this momentum.

Since 1993, Oklahoma City has been transformed. With the $363 million that was collected from MAPS 1, a series of nine public projects changed the face of Oklahoma City. Building on that incredible momentum, MAPS for Kids has positively affected every child in Oklahoma City.

We don’t live in the same city we lived in 15 years ago. Now is not the time to stop the momentum if we want to continue to enjoy the quality of life we have come to expect. Vote YES for MAPS on December 8!

With the vote nearing, the opposition continues to make claims that shed bad light on MAPS 3 and confuse voters.

Some believe MAPS 3 may prevent hiring more officers and fire fighters, when the fact is this use tax revenue could be used to fund 27 new police officers and 10 new firefighters, in addition to making sure there are no layoffs of public safety officers. Both Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater, a former police officer, and Oklahoma City Councilman Gary Marrs, a former Oklahoma City Fire Chief, cite this pledge and its potential impact on public safety spending as a significant factor in their support of this MAPS proposal.

Second, some believe we are moving deeper into a recession with a slowing economy, and this is the wrong time for MAPS 3. Fact is, Our economy is doing well here – especially when compared to the nation. Top economists from both OU and OSU have publicly said that now is the perfect time to invest in our city - with low construction costs our dollars will stretch further, and we will be in a great position when the economy bounces back. According to a study by BusinessWeek, Oklahoma City has the third strongest economy in the nation. Oklahoma City has had the Lowest Unemployment Rate in Large Metro Cities in the US eight of the 11 months between September 2008 and October 2009 (Bureau of Labor Statistics). The other five months it was a close second.

Third of all, some believe the MAPS 3 ordinance “contains no content”. The fact is that this MAPS ballot is structured the same as MAPS for Kids was in 2001 and for good reason. It is now illegal to list the projects on the ballot as was done in 1993for MAPS 1, per the 2009 Oklahoma Supreme Court case, Fent v. State. The Council adopted a resolution detailing the eight projects included in MAPS 3. The entire City budget is also passed by resolution.

Finally, some believe MAPS 3 is a slush fund for the City Council (blank check), in result the smaller projects will be cut first. Contrary to Gil Hensley’s assertion that the projects might not be funded, the city would be required by law to apply tax revenue toward their completion if voters approve the issue. And just like the first two MAPS initiatives, this MAPS initiative also includes the added supervision of a Citizens Oversight Board (officially Citizens Capital Improvements Sales Tax Advisory Board). Since 1993, the City has on every occasion done exactly what it said it would do regarding MAPS. It is nothing but a baseless accusation to claim the City might not follow the resolution already adopted by the City Council.

Please vote YES for the future of Oklahoma City by voting YES for MAPS tomorrow!

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