Monday, October 19, 2009

Oklahoma City No. 1 Place to Launch a Business

Fortune Magazine and are the latest publications to spotlight Oklahoma City’s positive momentum and resiliency through the economic downturn, as they recently named Oklahoma City the No. 1 Place to Launch a Business.

The article cites Oklahoma City’s stable and affordable housing market as a big part of the ranking. Oklahoma City’s per capita income growth, the fastest of any metro area in the U.S., also contributes to the top ranking.

Oklahoma City is also recognized for its entrepreneurial-friendly climate. Oklahoma City businesses that demonstrate this friendly climate include the bioscience cluster and the Presbyterian Health Foundation Research Park.

InterGentics Co-Founder Craig Shimasaki is featured in the Fortune story and recalls how having his start-up business located in Oklahoma City probably kept the company from going under during a rough patch. In the article, he says he now anticipates $1.1 million in revenues in the coming fiscal year.

Fortune Magazine and partnered with Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation to find the 50 most business-friendly communities in America. The factors included in the rankings were population, per-capita income, GDP, median monthly rent, house price-to-income ratio, average hourly wage, business tax climate, crime rates and college educated workers.

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